Perfect Circle: Zero Waste

13 August 2024

Perfect Circle is a concern for the entire Riverbend team to achieve zero waste and a commitment to sustainability.

Perfect Circle; Zero Waste

At Riverbend, our goal is to be more efficient and sustainable, contributing to reducing the impact of our industrial activity on the environment. This philosophy is reflected in our daily efforts to be a sustainable company with a circular economy. “Zero Waste”.

Zero Waste

Zero waste involves ensuring that all waste we generate does not return to nature as garbage but serves other purposes and other commercial, industrial, and agricultural activities. In this way, we contribute our bit to a cleaner and more natural environment.

Zero waste is a growing mindset and action movement that gains followers every day. The effort to leave a better world for future generations and make our lifestyle a sustainable model has led us to adopt this philosophy.

Sustainability and Commitment to Zero Waste


At Riverbend, we consider improving our environmental performance in all our operations as one of our priorities when addressing new challenges and markets.

Our goal is to reduce pollution by eliminating or reducing significant environmental impacts resulting from production activities, related to natural resources, energy, and atmospheric emissions… by applying environmental criteria in decision-making to eliminate or minimize the production of any type of waste, as well as ensuring its subsequent and proper treatment.

You can learn more about our principles, values, and commitments; we tell you how we do it.

Remember to follow us on LinkedIn to stay up to date with all the latest news and updates from Riverbend.